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Let your asset overhaul your finance

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Limited or no insights in your IBC’s, crates or fleet in hybrid distribution channels to different markets? Prevent rising costs of installed bases and the bullwhip effect of losses and damages by not knowing.

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Instead, gain control over your assets. Not with multiple service-providers in an increasingly fragmented market. Gain control with Pharox: a single connected platform, fit for the digitization of trade and your assets.


Real-time information at all times

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Imagine an intelligent system that gives real-time information, available on all your devices. That is the IoT ecosystem Pharox, developed especially for supply chains. Self-supporting and dynamic transport planning put an end to planning inaccuracy. Forecast your asset availability, reduce your CO2 footprint and save up to 10% of your rental costs at the same time.

Learn how smart Pharox really is


Know everything

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Traceability, shipping status, security and compliance have become essential conditions for today’s customers. Pharox tells you exactly where your cargo is, monitors its conditions, the actual time of departure (ATD) and estimated time of arrival (ETA), regardless of whether it is at sea or in the clouds!

Visibility at all times


Borders are no longer thresholds

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Pharox’s measurements mean all relevant data is always at hand, ensuring optimally efficient processes with authorities such as customs or regulatory bodies. Say goodbye to challenges at borders, on terminals or other hand-overs!

Discover more on Pharox and compliance

Explore the advantages

  • Lean asset administration
  • Improve your debt management with 15%

Have a look at our products